Who's behind Internet.Business™,
Elegant Academy?
YOVIËNNE & YEJOŸNNE, We are 2 x 1/6 SOULS & We also have 2 x 1/6 SOULS 'GHOSTS' & 2 x 1/6 SOULS 'SOULS' (+ 1 x ID GROUP NAME: EMELINE), permanently inhabiting PERSON with Earth-legal name: Michael Roeten (born at The Hague, South-Holland, NL in 21 January 1974, of f:Roeten, m:Withaar de Jong, mf:Remée, mm:Saris, mmm:Scharroo (Charreaux)) , FOUNDER DIRECTOR PRESIDENT, NL Army Veteran, Information System Analyst/Designer, with a 24/7 PEACE-Business-Mindset.
In 1995, We were drafted into the Royal NL Army for service at a Communication (Signal) Battalion.
In 1996, I YOVIËNNE signed an agreement for professional with the RNLA, with same Signal Battalion.
In 1996, I YOVIËNNE volunteered to go to Bosnia (and YEJOŸNNE went along), where civil war had recently ended, for ± 6 months, with NATO Implementation Force (IFOR). After training, We started tour at Bosnia in December 1996. During tour, name: IFOR changed to: Stabilisation Force (SFOR) in 1997. With a leave of ±18 days during tour, in June 1997 We returned to NL to continue serving at an Army Base.
In 1997, I YOVIËNNE (& YEJOŸNNE too) met Angela Marie Pannell via Internet and Earthly married that same year.
In 1998, We got a position at The Hague, NL at Defense Crisis Management Center (DCMC/DCBC) of Ministry of Defense.
In June 1999, We got a position at Supreme Headquarters Allied Powers Europe (S.H.A.P.E.) (Casteau near Mons/Bergen, Belgium) at Office of The NL Military National Representative (NL NMR).
In 2005, I YOVIËNNE had applied for a position at Brussels, BE at NL Permanent Military Representative at HQ NATO. We were accepted for the position, however I YOVIËNNE & Angela decided not to proceed with a move and stay at S.H.A.P.E., intentionally for rest of duration of service contract with NL Army.
However, in 2005, without mediation to move back to an affordable rental residence at The Hague, I YOVIËNNE (YEJOŸNNE too) & Angela bought a house at Tynaarlo, Drenthe*, NL in 2005.
We, Angela and children lived at Military Base Housing at S.H.A.P.E. Belgium and had to find a place to relocate, also because Jordan would soon leave kindergarden and start basic education. Education in Dutch was not nearby, since S.H.A.P.E. was located in The French Region of Belgium.
Military employment contract was a so called BBT-contract and with Earthly NL Military Rank that We had at that moment, this was max. until the age of 35 years old. For approximately 1 year (July 2005-July 2006) We traveled back & forth between home at Tynaarlo and S.H.A.P.E. Belgium. A health issue occurred with Angela and therefore I YOVIËNNE (& YEJOŸNNE too) could no longer work at Belgium, because of care for Our 2 children. Personnel Officer at S.H.A.P.E. arranged a Military job nearby, however foreign allowance from Military stopped. Due to financial circumstances placed house for sale in November 2006 and with an urgency statement, some later received a letter that a social housing association residence was available at Assen, Drenthe, NL in December 2006.
The house in Tynaarlo was sold in May 2007 and left Us with a mortgage debt which would last until in 2019 to pay off. In 2007 We received an honorable discharge on behalf of Her Majesty Queen Beatrix for Her Royal NL Army. As far as the house at Tynaarlo was concerned, We took a chance to try to generate enough financial income to pay for mortgage payments, after employment with RNLA ended. That career would end at RNLA School Battalion at Assen, NL was unexpected. Back then, generating enough financial income to pay for mortgage payments did not work out. A short time after, the family car was sold too.
In 07-2007 I YOVIËNNE registered unitedholland.com, in 2008 started researching what could Foster Community and in 2020 started researching what could Foster PEACE situation for All People at Earth, in this Universe. That Quest for PEACE started to also include Economy with Very Good (or Better) Jobs for all employable People.
In 2009 I YOVIËNNE (& YEJOŸNNE too) started to work as an 'interim' for StartPeople at NL Ministry of Agriculture, Nature & Life stock Management. During employment period, Ministries were reorganised and work continued with NL Ministry of Economic Affairs, Agriculture & Innovation, at the same location at Assen, NL, until in 2011 when an internal reorganisation out-sourced some IT positions to Capgemini (France) with a base at NL. This out-sourcing included ICT Service Desk Job Position that We filled. Note: It's possible this job position disappeared, due to new technology which earlier had started to be rolled out (an ICT system migration) at that Ministry.
~ We Michael have an Earthly marriage since in 1997 with Angela Marie Pannell (1965) (whom is part Native American) (We married at Big Bear, California, U.S.A.). Angela biologically brought forth 4 children before marriage with Us, namely: Joshua M. (1982), Cristopher D. (1983), Jonathon (y?) & Sarah E. (?y). Angela had tickets to fly with Joshua & Cristopher to Amsterdam, NL and move to The Hague, NL in 21 January 1998, however Angela was unable to get U.S.A. Passports on time for Joshua and Cristopher, because of Martin Luther King Day at The U.S.A. and the Passport Office was closed.
So, Joshua and Cristopher came approx. 2 weeks later to NL.
Angela's Mom took care of them in the meantime and brought them to the Int. airport at Los Angeles. Angela biologically brought forth 2 of Our children: Jordan A. (The Hague, NL, 1998) & Jacob M. (Soignies, BE, 2000). In June 1999, YOVIËNNE (& YEJOŸNNE too), Angela, Joshua, Cristopher & Jordan moved to Belgium and Joshua graduated from an American High School at S.H.A.P.E.. After this, Cristopher moved back to the U.S.A. ±18 y.old (biol.) to Angela's biological Mom.
Joshua enlisted in The US Navy and left ±20 y.old (biol.).
In 5 September 2013, Angela moved back to her Country of birth: U.S.A. and Jordan and Jacob had themselves chosen to go with their Mom. Both were aged 12+, so I YOVIËNNE accepted their choice. I YOVIËNNE (& YEJOŸNNE too) had brought them to the airport and We had gotten Jordan & Jacob American Passports earlier in that Year. We had also went to a Notary at Assen and in English writing I granted Angela Marie custody of Jordan & Jacob as a document to arrange things for them at The U.S.A., because I YOVI could not co-sign if necessary, being at NL.
*) Drenthe: Province Drenthe in the past was a financially poor area. Earlier generations did not have the financial wealth of e.g. Amsterdam & The Hague. Their main export product was peat, which was extracted from the ground, with relatively intensive labour, compared to the 'labour' to try to make money with money to begin with.
Dried peat was used as an energy source for warming interiors of houses. If those earlier generations were given a fair bargaining position, this peat could have been like metaphorical gold won from the ground. The opposite is true, their bargaining position was poor and people were given a very low price for their labour and product: peat.
Lets be real about this, sometimes warming bodies during cold winters had priority, if enough food & drink was in stomachs.
With barely enough to buy necessities for biological physical existence, there was very little financial room, if any, to save & invest money to develop the residential areas and set-up an economy, besides extracting/drying/selling peat. There was some well-to-do population as far as having financial wealth, however not the majority. Trade variety let to be desired and for the majority of the population there were mostly low-creative jobs, with mostly minimum wages, not 'living' wages.
How opposite has it been with: oil. Oil providing countries were given a much fairer price and some were therefore able to invest in their economy, besides winning oil, which has been metaphorically named: 'black gold'.
I YOVIËNNE had some SPIRITUAL Experiences, which the 'NL healthcare' labeled as Paranoid Schizophrenic. I YOVI(ËNNE) did not agree that it was an illness in Biological Brain, however a CONNECTION WITH THE SPIRITUAL. Michael has Heard with SPIRITUAL EARS, Seen with SPIRITUAL EYES, Spoken with Voice IN THE SPIRIT and also Smelled with SPIRITUAL NOSE. YEJOŸNNE, unknown at that moment by Me YOVIËNNE, until in December 2021, was CONNECTED TO SPIRITUAL REALM since Our Life as Michael Roeten started.
At end of 28 April 2024 CET, 'healthcare authorisation' ended, however there still is a 12-weekly 'trevicta' injection (depot) received at NL mental healthcare clinic (ggz Drenthe) at Assen. A 'case' manager at ggz Drenthe said there could follow a discharge from ggz soon and depot may be received at general practitioner's office (not ggz). At ggz they said that trevicta is for support because of difficult things experienced, however I YOVIËNNE mentioned no need for it. They threatened to mental hospitalise again if I (YOVIËNNE) would stop collecting trevicta. We YEJOŸNNE & YOVIËNNE believe to have received CONNECTION with THE HOLY SPIRIT (REALM).
We were interested in a Building at Assen for Home Base UNITED HOLLAND, COMMUNITY.BUSINESS, REALLIFE.DESIGN & Sensible.Guide. It's called 'Villa Aschwing' and was build in 1877. In 16 January 2024, We did a conditional proposal to owner of property via their real estate agent. If we would have happened to resource the address, it may have later been renamed (and perhaps replaced with a NEW BUILDING): VILLA BEAUTÉ (This may still happen if We acquire this address later.)
From in July 2007 till in September 2023, We, Angela, Jordan & Jacob had
unitedholland.com registered to Our Home Address at Assen.
Update 18 January 2024: Real Estate Agent for Villa Aschwing had sent us a message (pdf) that current hirer has extended rental agreement with some years.
We, Chief Inventor of Family System: FAMILY.BUSINESS™, have intention to (let) set-up a Platform for Internet.Business™ | FAMILY.BUSINESS™: ExchangeWithFamily™. (In March 2024 Evolved from in 2023 Invented Community System: COMMUNITY.BUSINESS™)
Momentarily, there has been communication with some Companies, concerning Partnership. Status: Pending.
In 20 January 2024, We send a message to Capgemini (pdf) via their contact form, to build & manage IT-/Transaction System for Community System: COMMUNITY.BUSINESS™ components: CommunityWorkshop.Pro™ & Elegant.Boutique™. (note: 19-2-2024, We have later added Elegant.Store™ too)
In 22 January 2024, We send messages to IT Companies Accenture (pdf), SAP (pdf) & Car Manufacturer BMW for a Fleet proposal (pdf), via their contact forms and in 25 January 2024 to Car-/Cargo vehicle Manufacturer Mercedes-Benz (pdf) for a Fleet Proposal as well.
In 26 January 2024, We send a Partnership proposal to SAP (pdf) and in 30 January 2024 a Follow-up Proposal to SAP (pdf).
In 31 January 2024, We send a LinkedIn connection request to CEO SAP (pdf), which was not accepted.
In 7 February 2024, We send a Follow-up Proposal to Capgemini (pdf).
In 9 February 2024, We send a LinkedIn InMail to CEO Capgemini (pdf) & CEO Accenture (pdf).
In 9 February 2024, We received a reply from Mercedes-Benz and We answered with a message (pdf) to a dialog email address of Mercedes-Benz with its' CEO as Chair person.
In 19 February 2024 ± 9:00pm, We have not received response concerning IT/Transaction System from Capgemini, Accenture & SAP.
Even though India* momentarily is not a Listed Country of UNITED HOLLAND, We may decide to try to contact Forbes Global 2000 Listed IT Company TATA Consultancy Services.
*) India: Is Part of The Commonwealth, with which We seek complementation (not competition), with Exceptions: Pakistan & South-Africa are Both Commonwealth Members & UNITED HOLLAND Listed Countries, however also to complement.
In 19 February 2024 ±10:28pm, We have not received further response from Mercedes-Benz, and no response from BMW since initial message.
We may decide to try to contact Forbes Global 2000 Listed Car Manufacturers: Japanese Toyota, US American Ford & Chinese SAIC.
You may ask why We are also interested in Car Companies to offer 25% (minimum) of Publivity™ C.S.R. System/Excellentor™ Membership fee and to invite as Elegant.Partners™?
The 3 main answers may have already Spiritually been shared with you:
- For transportation of UNITED HOLLAND/COMMUNITY.BUSINESS Personnel( and cargo);
- A big 'market' for Elegant.ooo™ Options for vehicles customisation, which could be Creative-/'Living wages' Jobs providing for The Public;
- Financial position to Partner with rolling out IT-/Transaction System for Family System: FAMILY.BUSINESS™.
In 20 February 2024, We sent a message to CEO TATA Consultancy Services, via LinkedIn InMail (pdf) , with an Introduction and Proposal.
In 20 February 2024, We sent an email to CEO TOYOTA, with an Introduction and Proposal. In 21 February 2024, We received notice that this email could not be delivered (retry timeout exceeded), so We decided to resend another email to another email address of TOYOTA (pdf).
In 21 February 2024, We sent a LinkedIn InMail message to CEO Ford, via Chief Communications Officer (pdf), with an Introduction and Proposal.
We also sent an email to Executive Management SAIC Motor (pdf), with an Introduction and Proposal.
In 21 February 2024, We sent an email to CEO Volkswagen, via Head of Global Group Communications. In 25 February 2024 We sent a correction (pdf) (date of Invention in August 2023, instead of 2024).
NOTE: If Companies/a Company accept Our Proposal, We momentarily have no intention to share which Companies/Company until 120 days Qualification period, or sooner than 120 days (if Qualified earlier), has been completed with 'Qualified'-Status.
We understand that the CEOs of the 4 IT- & 6 Car- Companies, have relationships with (supervisory) board members-, employees-, share holders- & partners with Family Members and also (in)directly have conversations with them.
UPDATE: 19 June 2024, there is momentarily no response from an IT-Company and no response from a Car Manufacturer.
In 17 March 2024, We found Selldone | selldone.com, as perhaps Partner to evolve their Business OS, an eCommerce platform, with Community around it.
Our approach is that it desirably ought to be a FAMILY Community platform, with also eCommerce around it. Like This: 1ST FAMILY Community, 2ND FAMILY.BUSINESS™/eCommerce.
Communications with Selldone: Chat 1:pdf 2:pdf3:pdf 4:pdf 5:pdf 6:pdf7:pdf 8:pdf 9:pdf | Email: 1:pdf 2:pdf 3:pdf 4:pdf 5:pdf 6:pdf 7:pdf 8:pdf 9:pdf | Linkedin InMail to Owner of Selldone: pdf
While (One or More of) above Companies may respond, We are not passively waiting for a response: We try to continue Our Search for a Suitable Platform (Builder).
Update 24 March 2024 ±7:04am, momentarily there seems no Platform-as-a-Service which offers functionality we seek.
For Eleganthe™ Providers: 'Internet.Business™ FAMILY.BUSINESS™ Platform',
for Eleganthe™ Public: 'Internet.Business™ ExchangeWithFamily™ Platform'.
Capgemini, Accenture, SAP &/or TATA Consultancy Services may become Partner(s) to build & manage a New Platform. ~ Michael 'EMELINE' Roeten
In 2 April 2024 ±5:07pm, We are interested in Odoo Enterprise as Our ERP Platform, including Website, Portal, eLearning, Store & Very Important to have IT-/Transaction System for Family System: FAMILY.BUSINESS™ Designed/Integrated with It.
In 7 April 2024 ±3:28pm CET, We have Integrated FAMILY.BUSINESS & UNITED HOLLAND Into this New Site: friendlyn.com (now internet.business) with Odoo Enterprise as Platform and Webhost: Rose Hosting. Odoo.com is Belgian & Rose Hosting (affiliate link) is located at St. Louis, Missouri, U.S.A., which is at the same City where Angela Marie Pannell (Earthly married Partner of Us) was born.
You may ask about EU-Privacy, because Our Web Server is not EU-Based?
Internet.Business™ Portal, is intended for Eleganthe™ FAMILY Members, with ElegantheID™, whom have asked 'THE FAITH QUESTION' with Inner Voice & try to attain PEACE for All People & believe All People are Innocent (see Intro & SPIRITUAL.BUSINESS™ at HOME PAGE of this Site). European Eleganthe™ FAMILY Members realise that privacy is an Illusion with 'IN THE SPIRIT' and with signing up (when available) they agree that Personal Data may be stored outside of EU. This is a SPIRITUAL FAMILY Site, working with Our Biological Physical Reality & -Needs, with an Inherited Economical Trade System. (UPDATE 15 June 2024: If Oracle (we approached in 11 May 2024, see further down this page) decides to Partner with Us (UNITED HOLLAND) as Elegant.Partners™, We may be able to use sovereign data governance that Oracle has with/in Oracle 23ai, so that personal data is stored as per Earthly legal requirements per country.)
In 12 April 2024 We registered domain names:
If an
IT Company We approached with a proposal agrees to built an IT-/Transaction
System for Family System: FAMILY.BUSINESS™, then We intent to use FABYZ as a
FAMILY Currency in that System, where each Eleganthe Member (with
ElegantheID) has a digital wallet for ordering at Elegant.Boutique™ &
Elegant.Store™ & payments related to FAMILYWorkshop.Pro™ freelance
This could for example drastically reduce payment processor costs.
Intentional Currency Rate: 1 FABYZ = 1 UK Pound £ (GBP)
In 22 April 2024 ±9:16pm, We have been working on FAMILY.GAME™
(https://family.game) for Friendlyn™ now (Internet.Business™) and earlier in today We added FAMILY.LAND™ (https://family.land) as NAME for FAMILY.GAME™. Momentarily FAMILY.GAME™ : FAMILY.LAND™ is UNDER DEVELOPMENT.
In 10 May 2024, We now have available unlimited bandwidth data transfer for internet site friendlyn.com (now internet.business) - Via Hosting at Rose Hosting, which was already so, now also unlimited data via Content Delivery Network (CDN Pro) of CloudFlare.
In 11 May 2024, We approached Oracle with a Proposal too (pdf). In 22 June 2024, We sent a follow-up (pdf) and in 27 June 2024 another follow-up (pdf). In 8 July 2024, We sent a follow-up Proposal (pdf). In 12 July 2024, We sent a message about some road ahead with possible Elegant.Partners™ (pdf).
Did you know Community System: COMMUNITY.BUSINESS™, the predecessor of Family System: FAMILY.BUSINESS™,
was Invented in the same day that Lawrence (Larry) Ellison, co-founder and main share holder of Oracle had its' 79th birthday?
In 30 July 2024, a HEADER IMAGE for UNITED HOLLAND (PAGE) was created via a Hatchwise Crowdsourcing contest (which We changed* some), in 4 July 2024, HEADER IMAGE for Publivity™/Excellentor™ was created & in 26 August 2024, HEADER IMAGE for Internet.Business Home Page was created.
These Images were created by Carol O'Driscoll (IDesign Place).
*) We have full ownership of this image
In 30 July 2024, a HEADER Image for UNITED HOLLAND ElegantLand™ was created by Kumar Praveen (at Behance) via the same Hatchwise Crowdsourcing contest as mentioned above and Design Entry of Praveen came in 2nd place and We purchased that Design as well. We changed the text UNITED HOLLAND ElegantLand™ of the Original Design into FAMILY.BUSINESS™ and added the 2 YIN-YANG-PEACE-DOVES and what resulted is now HEADER IMAGE for FAMILY.BUSINESS™ PAGE.
Angela Marie Pannell (St. Louis, 11 March 1965) is VICE-PRESIDENT OF UNITED HOLLAND.
Paleisstraat 2, The Hague, NL:
This may become Our Main Office UNITED HOLLAND
Sionsweg 1-1a, Sion, Rijswijk (ZH), NL:
This may become Our Elegant.Center™ with to be covered terrace.
While We have not discussed this with current owners Jeroen & Laura (Fam. van Leeuwen), (they could not continue with their Brasserie at Sionsweg 1, due to current financial situation, market conditions and financial arrears due to past corona crisis), We may buy this property and hire them to run the Elegant.Center, while they can continue to live there at 1a, with their daughter and 2 sons.'
~ Michael 'EMELINE' Roeten |
To appoint unto them that mourn in Zion, to give unto them
beauty for ashes, the oil of joy for mourning, ... ~Isaiah 61:3